Gambler Healing
Our free online recovery course allows you to explore your gambling behaviors in a private setting at your own pace. This simple, effective 12-step online course can help you heal. If what you’ve been doing isn’t working, try something new.
About the Course
This free course walks you through the 12 steps to gambling addiction recovery. After you create your account, you will have access to an entire online workbook that provides hours of self-reflection and educational materials to help you break free from your addiction. Your investment in yourself will pay dividends for weeks and years to come.

Private & Confidential

Take at Own Pace

Access it Anywhere

Helps Break Addiction

Group Videos


Gambler Healing is changing lives by moving people from addiction to healing.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I print the pages and make copies?
No. Gambler Healing is copyrighted material. But you can print out your journal entries for personal use.
Who sees my journal entries?
Only you will be able to see your journal entries. If you would like someone to see your journal entries, including a counselor, you will need to provide him or her with your username and password.
What happens after I enroll into Gambler Healing?
During the enrollment process, you create a username and password. After course enrollment submission, you will receive a confirmation email. Then log in with your username and password to begin the course.
How long do I have to complete the course?
Your account never expires. You are able to go back through the course as many times as you wish, even adding to your journal entries.
Who do I talk to if I have questions?
Please email Lisa at with other questions.