Find a Meeting

Fargo Gamblers Anonymous

Monday 5:30 pm

Pontoppidan Lutheran Church
309 4th St N
Fargo, ND

Wednesday 5:30 pm

A New Day Gamblers Anonymous

1st United Methodist Church
906 1st Ave S
Contact Steve J at 701.541.5071 for more information.

Thursday 5:30 pm

Pontoppidan Lutheran Church
309 4th St N
Fargo, ND

Saturday 9:30 am

Pontoppidan Lutheran Church
309 4th St N
Fargo, ND

Bismarck Gamblers Anonymous

Sundays* and Thursdays at 7 pm

Lower level of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
106 Osage Avenue (corner of N Washington & East Divide, across from YMCA)

*Last Sunday of each month – Open combined GA and GAM-ANON meeting

Minot Gamblers Anonymous

Monday 7 pm

Immanuel Baptist Church
1615 2nd Street Southeast

Contact Lisa at 701.857.7540

First Monday of each month – Open combined GA & GAM-ANON meeting
Third Monday of each month – Step meeting

Grand Forks Gamblers Anonymous

For information please contact Susan at 218.779.0823

Other Nearby Meetings

Zoom Meeting
Thursdays at 7 pm

Cormorant Lakes Area

To receive Zoom link, contact Barb W. at 701.367.4626

National Gamblers Anonymous Conference Call Meetings

Sunday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.5338
Call in number meeting code: 836083 #     

Email for information & questions:

Monday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.4925
Call in number meeting code: 554671 #     

Email for information & questions:

Tuesday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.4943
Call in number meeting code: 253824 #     

Email for information & questions:

Wednesday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.4160
Call in number meeting code: 611704 #     

Email for information & questions:

Thursday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.4981
Call in number meeting code: 872853 #     

Email for information & questions:

Friday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.4996
Call in number meeting code: 595094 #     

Email for information & questions:

Saturday 8:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 712.770.5335
Call in number meeting code: 491301 #     

Email for information & questions:

Duluth, MN Gamblers Anonymous Conference Call Meetings

Wednesday 8:00-9:30 pm

Call in number for meeting: 267.807.9601
Call in number meeting code: 9131957 #     

Friday 2:00 pm

Call in number for meeting: 267.807.9601
Call in number meeting code: 9131957 #

More Resources

Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a 12-step self-help fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may resolve their gambling addiction while helping others to recover. There are no dues or fees for Gamblers Anonymous membership. The only requirement is a desire to stop gambling.

GAM-ANON is a 12-step self-help fellowship of men and women who have been affected by the gambling problem of a loved one. They understand as perhaps few can. They know that living with the effects of a loved one’s gambling can be too devastating to bear without help.